Friday, December 21, 2018

Safety Tidbit 4.18 - Twelve Days of Safety

Safety Tidbit 4.18 – Twelve Days of Safety

Well it’s the holiday season again! The time of getting together with friends and family and having some good cheer. It is also a time for many accidents. The National Safety Council has compiled a nice infographic ( using the twelve days of Christmas theme. I would like to share their points with you in this week’s Safety Tidbit.

1.     Never use lighted candles near trees or bows. Make sure candles have a stable base.
2.     Keep poisonous plants (e.g., poinsettias) out of reach of children and pets.
3.     Keep trees away from fireplaces, radiators and other heat sources. Don’t burn your tree in the fireplace.
4.     Make sure your tree has a stable platform.
5.     Choose an artificial tree that is marked fire resistant.
6.     If using a natural tree, make sure it is well watered.
7.     Check holiday lights for fraying, bare spots, gaps in the insulation or excessive kinking in the wire. Don’t overload your electrical circuits.
8.     Turn off all tree lights and decorations when not in use.
9.     When putting up decorations, properly use a step stool or ladder to reach high places. Don’t stand on chairs or other furniture.
10.  Designate a sober driver.
11.  When preparing a meal, wash hands, utensils, sink and anything else touching raw meat.
12.  Reheat leftovers to at least 165 degrees F.

One last one item is driving safely. This was the topic of an earlier Safety Tidbit, however I believe it warrants another mention. Traveling spikes during this time of year and many folks choose to travel by car. Automobiles have the highest death rate. If you are going to travel by car be prepared and ensure your family’s safety.

Be safe this season and have a great holiday. Enjoy your time with your family and friends and we’ll see you next year!

Hope this was helpful and thank you for reading my Safety Tidbits! Comments and questions are always welcome. ~ Bryan

P.S. If you have a new safety or health question, please let me know.

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