Safety Tidbit 3.50 – OSHA Consultation Program
This is my 150th Safety Tidbit! Tomorrow I embark on a new chapter of my career, mentoring a new generation of professionals as I begin teaching at IUP. Before, however, I wish to pause and reflect on a well-kept secret (which shouldn’t be a secret at all!). For the past five and half years, I have worked in Pennsylvania’s OSHA Consultation Program. Throughout the Commonwealth, the Program helps small employers keep their workers safe and healthy.
A couple things about the Program. It does not issue penalties and it strictly maintains confidentiality of the client. In Pennsylvania, the program performs more than 600 visits to employers each year.
In an OSHA Working Paper dated August 1, 2018, researchers reviewed the economic benefits of the State Consultation program based on a hazards removed approach. The study showed the benefits of the program to the national economy to be $1.55 Billion annually. I ask you to spread the word and let small businesses know they have a resource that truly wants to help them. As this is completely voluntary, employers just need to request their services. (
Hope this was helpful and thank you for reading my Safety Tidbits! Comments and questions are always welcome. ~ Bryan
P.S. If you have an interesting safety or health question please let me know.
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