Friday, September 8, 2017

Safety Tidbit 3.03 - Compressed Gas Safety

Safety Tidbit 3.03 – Compressed Gas Safety

My wife and I were camping over the Labor Day weekend when I removed the 1-lb propane tank from our camp lantern it continued to leak propane.  Luckily, the tank was pretty close to empty, so I lit the lamp to burn the remaining fuel.  However, this gave me this week’s Safety Tidbit topic as workplaces use various compressed gasses (oxygen, propane, acetylene, etc.). I found an excellent checklist and took some of the more common issues I see in the workplace.  For the complete list, please refer to the hyper link above at NIOSH’s website. 

·       Are cylinders stored in upright positions and immobilized by chains or other means to prevent them from being knocked over? [CGA 3.4.4 and 29 CFR 1910.101(b)]
  • Are cylinders stored away from highly flammable substances such as oil, gasoline, or waste? [CGA 3.3.6]
  • Are cylinders stored away from electrical connections, gas flames or other sources of ignition, and substances such as flammable solvents and combustible waste material? [CGA 3.5.1]
·       Are flammable gases separated from oxidizing gases in storage areas a minimum of 20 feet when in storage? [CGA 3.3.3 & CGS 2.5.3]
·       Are cylinders stored away from incompatibles, excessive heat, continuous dampness, salt or other corrosive chemicals, and any areas that may subject them to damage? [CGA 3.3.7 and 29 CFR 1910.101(b)]
  • Do all compressed gas cylinders have their contents and precautionary labeling clearly marked on their exteriors? [29 CFR 1910.101(b)]
  • Are all compressed gas cylinder valve covers in place when cylinders are not in use? [29 CFR 1910.101(b)]
  • Are all compressed gas cylinders stored so they do not interfere with exit paths? [29 CFR 1910.101(b)]
·       Are all compressed gas cylinders subjected to periodic hydrostatic testing and interior inspection? [29 CFR 1910.101(a)]
  • Do all compressed gas cylinders have safety pressure relief valves? [29 CFR 1910.101(c)]
·       Are cylinders always maintained at temperatures below 125ºF? [CGA 3.1.12]
  • Are safety relief devices in the valve or on the cylinder free from any indication of tampering? [CGA 3.1.14].
·       Is painting cylinders without authorization by the owner prohibited? [CGA 3.1.20]
  • Is the bottom of the cylinder protected from the ground to prevent rusting? [CGA 3.3.9]
  • Are all compressed gas cylinders regularly inspected for corrosion, pitting, cuts, gouges, digs, bulges, neck defects and general distortion? [29 CFR 1910.101(a)]
·       Are cylinder valves closed at all times, except when the valve is in use? [CGA 3.1.15]
  • Are all compressed gas cylinder connections such as pressure regulators, manifolds, hoses, gauges, and relief valves checked for integrity and tightness? [29 CFR 1910.101(a)]

Hope this was helpful and thanks for reading my Safety Tidbits! Comments and questions are always welcome. ~ Bryan

P.S. If you have an interesting safety or health question please let me know.

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