As I drove across Iowa yesterday, in preparation to begin the RAGBRAI (Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa) this weekend, I was profoundly reminded of the effects of heat. This was the screenshot from OSHA’s heat app on my iPhone. Please remember to:
train all employees on the signs and symptoms of heat related illnesses.
drink plenty of water.
Have shade and other places available for workers to escape from the heat.
OSHA’s mantra is Water-Rest-Shade. However, also pay attention to the workload, clothing (e.g., PPE) usage and ensure workers have adequate sun protection for exposed skin. First line supervisors need to pay close attention to signs of dehydration possibly due to excessive alcohol consumption or drug (prescription or otherwise) use. Decongestants (Sudafed) and NSAIDS (Advil) can all aid in dehydration.
Have a great week and stay safe out there!
Thanks for reading and next Friday I will still be pedaling across Iowa so there will be no Safety Tidbit. This marks the end of my first year of writing Safety Tidbits. Hope you learned something and have enjoyed the topics. See you in a week or two to start year two! ~Bryan
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