Monday, February 1, 2016

Safety Tidbit #22 - Take 5 Stay Alive

Well, we are about a week away from Christmas.  Although many feel the holidays and year-end are time to reflect on the year and recharge with family and friends, there, also, is so much going on.  I thought I should remind everyone to use a little common sense during this time of year (you all know how I feel about ladders (see Safety Tidbit #5).  As an in industrial hygienist, please employ my mini risk assessment throughout the holiday season and hopefully into next year - both at home and on the job.

Count 5 and Stay Alive is a simple qualitative assessment tool anyone can use at the start of your day or the beginning of a new task, or any time you wish.

Identify – List 5 items that might harm you.
Quantify – Assess how great is the risk.
Control – Understand what to done to reduce the risk.
Choose – Determine and execute a course of action.
Manage – Assess hazard and revise control as necessary.

Therefore, I ask you to please whether stringing lights or driving home from holiday parties - Take 5 minutes, use this quick 5-step process and identify 5 hazards that may hurt you.

Count 5 – Stay Alive!

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